How do I interpret the lab report?

How do I interpret the lab report?

Your lab report can be found in your account created during registration. Simply log in and go to View My Lab Report. You’ll notice the header of the report contains all the property information you put in at the time you registered your samples including, address, property history questions, and occupant questions. Below this, you’ll see a summary. The summary shows a quick view of all the samples you registered and identifies if each sample is Normal, Slightly Elevated, or Elevated as you progress down the report the information becomes more detailed. The next section gives you a linear view of some of the key types of molds identified in your samples and illustrates how each air sample compares to the outdoor air. If a room is not listed on one of the lines, it is because that type of mold was not present in that particular sample. Below the color bars, you have a section called MMD’s Conclusions. This section we take into account the spore counts and property questions to give you recommendations on what to do next. Below the Conclusions, you’ll find the Lab Analysis section. First, for air samples and below under another Lab Analysis heading will be surface samples. The lab analysis section has detailed data of all the spore types and concentrations found in each sample. All Slightly Elevated and Elevated counts are highlighted in yellow and red respectively, anything not highlighted is considered Normal. Definitions of common spore types can be found in the footer section of the report. If you’ve been notified that your sample results are ready, but your report says “Check back for results” for more than three hours, please notify us.

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